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Re: WeTheMarket post# 59023

Tuesday, 12/24/2024 2:00:50 PM

Tuesday, December 24, 2024 2:00:50 PM

Post# of 59114
"IGTM, it has bipartisan support"

it has a few self serving politicians whose districts will benefit that are for it...that isnt "bipartisan support"...

"creates manufacturing jobs in the US"

so does chewing gum...its not an issue anyone really cares about...there are many companies that are creating jobs out there that arent asking for the Fed Gov to fork out billions of dollars to create those jobs...

"contributes to US energy independence"

the U.S. has been energy independent since 2019...we produce more energy than we consume...

"helps fight against China's dominance"

taxing us citizens and giving that money to big companies so they can get rich with hydrogen helps fight China's dominance? about we find another way to fight China's dominance because that way just sucks...and China's dominance in what?...we are already energy independent...why do i care what china does?...

"and is good for the the environment."

for the hundreds of billions of dollars to the trillions for infrastructure that are being asked for and for all the money in the future that will be asked for because they will have spent so much money that you cant turn back now, its an enormous waste...that money can be better spent on wind, solar, battery and nuclear...

" In summary, money well spent."

money wasted to enrich a few....
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