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Alias Born 06/20/2006

Re: richme post# 100958

Friday, 12/20/2024 12:43:51 PM

Friday, December 20, 2024 12:43:51 PM

Post# of 102273
We don't need "hope" here. We have the King of Bing Duane Forrester, CEO Steven Marshall, Colonel Donald L. Carmel, Jr.(U.S. Army Ret.), Brian Lewis on the board of directors and the President of, a legendary sports icon Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson, and imo possibly a billionaire Jim Crane throwing his wallet at MONI. That last one JC is not confirmed yet, but we'll see soon enough.

And as far as this being a "LONG" term investment, most of us have already been here for a LONG time, we've dealt with the craziest and most ridiculous, idiotic bashers imaginable, a few failed mergers, and we've held through all of it. Now with this new merger completed and this incredible team in place and our first exciting AI product about to launch, no amount FUD will shake us. This is a hardened group of loyal shareholders that have been through a lot to get here. I guess what I am trying to say to you is that your stupid uninformed snarky bullshit wont phase us, and you're clueless, but thanks for stopping by. Good luck
