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Alias Born 12/07/2016

Re: ZenDomain85 post# 20018

Thursday, 11/07/2024 5:14:52 PM

Thursday, November 07, 2024 5:14:52 PM

Post# of 20645
I would recommend you to watch "America: Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo which was made in 2006. Russo was a famous Hollywood producer and director in the 1980s/1990s, he made Trading Places with Eddie Murphy for instance. Russo died in 2007.

Then, go on rumble and search for "Matthew North Trump," in fact here is the link and watch Matt's 10 minute video that made him famous in 2018 where he nails the truth about not only America but the entire planet with unbelievable precision. Matthew North was a 21 year old kid who popped out of nowhere in 2018 and started making videos that quickly went viral, he quickly grew and word spread, and then shortly after starting to release these videos, he was found shot dead with a bullet in the brain in his car, as usual deemed a "suicide." Then google "Thomas Massie Wife Dies." Massie is a Congressman from Kentucky who in June of this year gave an in interview on Tucker where he openly disclosed that AIPAC controls and puppeteers all of Congress, and 3 weeks later in July his wife died a "mysterious sudden inexplicable death" and neither Massie, the media, or anyone else disclosed anything about her cause of death other than "sudden and mysterious." She didn't have cancer, it wasn't a car accident. she just..died. Then google USS Liberty and do some research on that, and you'll slowly start to see ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR.. Then, once you've done all that, watch Europa: The Last Battle. Be forewarned, it is disheartening and gut wrenching, but it is the abhorrent unfortunate truth.

Trump is absolutely controlled opposition, he is just a trojan horse that the globalist elite jews did a phenomenal job of convincing us that he is a messiah and an outsider, he is not. Is he better than Kam? Absolutely. Would the central banking elites have preferred an easier Kamala/Biden carte blanche type that'll sign anything placed in front of em and sell their soul to the highest bidder while openly embracing the puppeteers' strings, absolutely. But THEY finance both sides to create the illusion of a dichotomy between the 2 parties when in reality they are both ONE and they both serve the same master. Say hypothetically both Democrats and Republicans fused tomorrow into 1 party, and called themselves "The Party." Well then the divide and conquer hegelian dialectic stratagem would no longer work because you have 1 party, 1 group of politicians that pander to the entire populace but NOTHING CHANGES, and the sheeple begin to wake up realizing something is up and they're being duped, making unification easier.

If Trump upholds his promise to deport the illegals of the last 4 years, tighten the border, stop the wars, which I hope he does, make no mistake about it, it's not a sovereign free decision he is making, he is not doing anything that his central banking masters haven't authorized him to do. If he's doing it, it means it's part of THEIR plan which means there's an angle. If Al Capone authorizes one of his proxies to do something that is on the surface a benevolent act, it doesn't make the proxie good, it makes them a puppet who does as they are told to serve the interests of his master.

The best kind of slave is the one that doesn't see the chains, and that's what most Americans, Europeans, and people around the world have become since central banking, the bane of mankind, took root on this planet.
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