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Re: toastturtle post# 636

Thursday, 09/12/2024 9:26:10 PM

Thursday, September 12, 2024 9:26:10 PM

Post# of 644
They stated still onboarding new clients and patients. No mention they currently are $100M revenue company, as this would be insider info before released via financials. Generally though, as a $100M rev company it seems poised to become... is how it was meant. Balance that with what I did say and was told that they are working to become and are (as before) close to becoming profitable.

Yes, I considered that $5K month not a ton of money, though it helps bottom line.

Keep in mind a new iUGO software version has been developed and is soon to be released. Old (current) version to be used to example their product, previously held from release for competitive reasons. Canadian contracted software development team (labor costs) has been eliminated, to rely on remaining Canadian in-house employees and their Costa Rican software team.

But, at $30M a year revenue, and that an audit likely costs about .42% of revenue, and round up, that's about $125K to $150K per audit year. Cost of audit loosely based on this: Cost of audits seems doable to pay.

And they have relayed they actually intend to release the 2024 Audited annual report on time by Oct. 31st, 2024. Which means the 2023 audited annual report will be (expected to be) released prior.

Plus an intended company update monthly is currently intended, which further suggests wheels have begun to move and roll.


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