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Re: ignatiusrielly35 post# 2751

Wednesday, 08/14/2024 4:49:47 PM

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 4:49:47 PM

Post# of 2857
20% revenue growth in one quarter How many businesses have you been involved with or owned? Now add to that a 40% increase in profitability on those sales. I'll take it coming and going.

So next quarter another 20% rev increase (may well be more per the Amazon Certification) and then the projected 80% profit margin or 14.28 increase over Q2.

Beauty is written all over this. Of course it will take some a lot longer to catch on to what is happening. I expect after the election a lot of companies will either fold or take off big time. In our case, it will be bustin out at the seams should whatever candidate wins is recognized by the market as good for economic growth. Even the second choice candidate not so good for the economy will find NexTech growing, not busting growth but growing...which is where the huge profit margins come into real significance.