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Re: ITYS post# 53800

Friday, 05/24/2024 3:24:08 PM

Friday, May 24, 2024 3:24:08 PM

Post# of 56059

"Watching B list celebrities (at best) watching a show from 50 years ago...RIVETING !

hope Vegas gets involved as I have Gary Busey puking before round 2 wink

HAD would have worked in the 80-90s but now there are more reality shows that real shows...
Blagman needs to come up with the "new" not the copycat model.

Has he done anything in last DECADE?"

Above with surf creating and ITYS hosting doing their level-best to image a show.
Switch gears to a different world of culture and class than offered above
Below with Mr Blagman, Laura, and

"star-studded series...uplifting insights from artists, writers, musicians, athletes, chefs, and fashion designers...diverse voices in the entertainment industry...promises to captivate audiences with its rarely-seen sneak peak into celebrity lives."

and sprinkle in this from a prior press release

"there is something special for everyone in this ‘NO SCRIPT' affair inside Hollywood; which is sure to make the morning BUZZ on TMZ"
