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Re: PRCubaDog post# 69746

Thursday, 05/23/2024 10:13:57 AM

Thursday, May 23, 2024 10:13:57 AM

Post# of 70665

THIS is how it's done kids - exactly like this. TWO WARNINGS already ain't by accident- the MOORE MORE CRIME CLAN and their Alibaba Me-nO-CAn-HeArs-yU shit cans stuck in ear "aids" are gonna end up in the ROLL BACK and CHANNEL DUMPER TO EBAY DUMPSTER like lickety split.....:))

Pound this crime scene like a pre-invasion air strike with coordinated heavy artillery - RELENTLESS until it's a smoking pile of rubble....that is called "war" and there's no mercy and no forgiveness and no going back in war.....the MOORE MORE CRIME CLAN.....100%.... "with design and intent".... STOLE HARD WORKING PEOPLE'S MONEY and a shit ton of it at that....ALL for self-enrichment and to live a scam MILLER HIGH LIFE GRANITE BAY GIG n CRIB LUXURY GRIFTER coming to an end....

The MOORE CRIME CLAN did this to they pay the price via being totally wiped off the map till they literally are LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE DIRTY RIVER and got Momma MOORE MORE with Elizabeth out turning cheap tricks to keep daddy's booze habit paid for....

THIS FOLKS - this is asymmetrical warfare to the tee - it's "how it's done" ......bury the enemy using every tactic and tool available...:

Had a nice chat with Walmart this morning. Here's the highlights of it. Pay close attention to the last sentence from them (we will shortly part our ways with them).

Innerscope Hearing Technologies that sells ihear and hearing assist has no customer service department, no phone numbers that work if you need help and its been brought to my attention that the California department of labor has fined them for not paying workers comp insurance as they are required. Because of this violation California has given them a stop order which states they are not allowed to have employees and have been fined $51,000. The company is also being sued by its ex-partners for fraud. Various other suppliers are suing them for non-payment. I think you should look into these things which i can assure you are real because your customers will not be happy dealing with innd. Also the ihear product has been out of stock for well over a month now and its because this company is broke. Again, you do not want this awful company representing you.

I think you should forward this information over to your purchasing department to investigate.

Walmart Rep:
first of all thank you so much that you take out your precious time and bring this to our knowledge, and we have issued two warnings already to the Innerscope Hearing Technologies, right now i am escalating all of this to our management and we will shortly part our ways with them.

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Beautiful - taking it to the MOORE MORE CRIME CLAN like a dude in a back alley in Bangkok on a hot summer night.....:))

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