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Re: Midwestrader post# 69720

Monday, 05/20/2024 9:42:02 AM

Monday, May 20, 2024 9:42:02 AM

Post# of 70665

Platinum player aka THE MOORE MORE CRIME CLAN ALIAS and serial paid-to-pump this crime scene con is STILL "trying" to lie and tell people the MOORE CRIMINAL CLAN has not lost their bullshit HQ building WTF !!!!

Bid now .0001 LMFAO !!
Welcome to the MOORE CRIME CLAN JUNGLE....we be heading to FOUR ZEROS and soon kids. .00009 is On-Deck and getting warmed up and loose...:))

EVERY OFFICE and EVERY "SUITE" including ALL ALL ALL used prior by the MOORE CRIME CLAN as happy land supposed "INNER FRAUD WORLD HQ" blah blah blah is shown TOTALLY EMPTY and TOTALLY "FOR LEASE" including the damn broom closets and single toilet crapper rooms !!!

This SCAM did not file Q1 as they HAVE NO PLACE OF "business" LEFT and conduct no actual "day to day business" any longer - and THUS ARE EVADING LAWSUITS aka MASSIVE LAWSUITS and are "in hiding".....NO more "product support" or "product shipping" etc exists any longer....

Their SCAM last ditch crime scene SHOPIFY hustle 'hearing aid store" is a GONNER as is prior website of this MOORE MORE CLAN 2-bit penny hustle dilution mill dumpster fire.....
DEAD and gone
DEAD and gonner

THIS CRIME SCENE IS OVER - judgments going after the MOORE MORE CRIME CLAN personal assets are now "Live" as is an enforcement action by the CA LABOR BOARD aka SCAMMING WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREMIUM FRAUD and more more MOORE more......:))

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.