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Alias Born 06/19/2023

Re: None

Tuesday, 05/14/2024 12:53:51 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 12:53:51 PM

Post# of 53333
" Yet, Delfin is not submitting a new application to MARAD, which would require preparation of a new EIS from scratch and then a decision within that statutory timeline: rather, Delfin is amending an already conditionally approved application, with supplemental NEPA review of the prior FEIS. In Delfin’s opinion, that supplemental review will confirm the conclusions of the EA submitted to MARAD over a year ago, which demonstrated reduced impacts compared to the prior FEIS. Therefore, Delfin remains hopeful that it may still obtain its DWPA license this calendar year, though admittedly almost certainly not until near the end of the year. "