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Re: stockanalyze post# 793613

Sunday, 05/12/2024 11:17:57 AM

Sunday, May 12, 2024 11:17:57 AM

Post# of 796978

1. F and F - via 30 year mortgages make housing far more affordable - adding liquidity to the mortgage industry (and stability and rules)
2. F and F do 95% of their business if not 99% - in the normal mortgage market
3. Talking about F and F in affordable housing - is correct given their mission and core activities - but it is not HUD and it is not a give away as in the LBJ approach of throw money at problems (maybe of mild value ONE TIME). It makes housing more affordable via the 30 year mortgage which would not exist direct from banks and the insane liquidity it provides to housing financing.
4. I have noted before the massive profits we all know F and F produce nearly every year --- and bluntly that is 100% not possible if their focus is on low income (no income) and "affordable housing associated with minorities and non working USA) "

All that said - they have 1000000000 programs --- PR ---- that suggests they do so so so so much more for the near poor . A tip of the hat to their PR folks for D and a tip of the hat to FOX and NEWSMAX for their constant implication money is being given away

DJT could have shift on BO and freed us ---- just could have under the simplicity of corporate America focus. He did not . Not at all
JOW can - and should - get great PR from some loud and a bit misleading "so called Program" to address AFFORDABILITY. They should create the impression it is huge and new and will solve tons of problems. That is smart politics even if not really honest politics. I DO HOPS they do something like that and brag about 300B on the 200B and - yes how 100B from options can do a lot with no increase in deficit by one penny ----- and along the way kill the LP - and yes suggest 4:1 dilution (tiny IMO) but kill any discussion of LP conversion to common --- and brag bout using private markets to raise that 100B say over 3 years ----- with a utility model F and F