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Alias Born 03/07/2014

Re: REAGAN post# 106830

Monday, 05/06/2024 11:31:33 PM

Monday, May 06, 2024 11:31:33 PM

Post# of 106845

Well - THAT scam lil pump the trash didn't last long Bwaaaa ha ha ha !!

Back to rock solid Mike Michael Miguel Tomas good ole .00000X per share gutter garbage...WHERE IT BELONGS......

Can't wait to see this shit heap to to CAVEAT EMPTOR and/or just get the ticker revoked finally.....police tape this crime scene and bring in the mop up crew and turn off that lone light bulb swinging from a lamp cord at their rent-a-desk WORLD scammer Tomas "shows up to work each day" at this scam machine still......please......

SHUT IT DOWN FOR GOOD- pull the ticker and DO NOT give Miguel even a 1% chance of cooking up some new scam to re-light this fraud needs to be buried for good at 6 ft under and read its last rights never to be seen again....end this scammary once and for all.....TICKER REVOKED for the amount of crime and pure gutter fraud this POS inflicted on God knows how many people.....

Worse than holding up liquor stores for meth money - the bunch that ran this filthy shit show....hope there's still some CLUB FED in their futures....!!

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