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Re: tdbowieknife post# 90599

Saturday, 05/04/2024 6:23:57 PM

Saturday, May 04, 2024 6:23:57 PM

Post# of 90727
AND "another thing aka Rosen-SCUM :

And as for Expert Market... Once on Expert Market the problem is not the very late filings, it's that the late filings cause OPTI to lose the sponsoring Market Maker (PQE Status, Proprietary Quote Eligibility). To regain PQE, OPTI will need to find a wiling MM to sponsor OPTI and complete form 211 with Finra. The REAL problem now with this is that a MM is unlikely to do that because of the many years of fraud. Finra will be very unlikely to approve any MM's request because of the many questions of fraud and complaints to the SEC, with that an MM is very unlikely to even try.

And now the other Elephant in the room.... What legit "company" would ever get involved with this massive FUBAR of a scam???

ANOTHER key thing that I forgot to mention but know you are fully aware of - that ole Brett Rosen Hackspacher just "happens" to leave out of his GRANDIOSE TALES OF $BILLION BUCK MERGERS INTO SHITTY LAWSUIT and FRAUD RIDDLES DIRTY SHELL SCAMS.....

And that is the FACT that there's a high high high probability the current common shareholders come-out of any "re-org" aka "Receivership" and/or BK as the receiver 100% HAS THE POWER TO BK THE MESS IF IF IF they see no way to pay off and equitably settle all outstanding litigation + judgments already issued etc.....that the common holders end up with literal GOOSE in NOTHING LEFT....your shares are CANCELLED and/or WORTHLESS !!

And that FACT-OID is that the PRESENT COMMON SHAREHOLDERS aka BAGHOLDER DUPES aka DISCIPLES CONNED BY BRETT KORESH ROSEN aka KOOLAID R US they will get NOTHING or near $ZERO for their shares post "work out"....IF any bullshit "workout" and/or reverse merger blah blah blah ever even happens which per the Rosen trail of a 1,000 tears aka BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE ....his trail of busted-out No Bid and $ZERO "value" wasteland ticker is a near 100% batting avg for the serial grifter con....near perfect record of returning ZERO to his baggies....

I'll "take odds" - that baggies end up with $ZERO or at best 10 cents on their dollar IF IF IF this POS ever even emerges and trades again - it's that dirty a scam IMO.

I believe that Rosen planned this "with intent" TO WIPE THE LEGACY BAG HOLDERS and that is the real key here - it IS the entire reason he's here. I personally doubt he ever made some bullshit "$10 million loan" blah blah - like WHAT the dude wouldn't forge a POS bank X-fer and a few bank statements LMAO !!!

These judges don't have time to do some deep dive forensic chk and audit of whatever the hell Rosen says and "I PROMISE IT'S TRUE" blah blah - WTF does a judge care about some busted-out BK BROKE scam that's a penny ticker and clogging up his court. Sooo he says "RECEIVER" and whatever - good luck and goodbye.

The RECEIVER is the fiduciary and IF THEY GET CRIMINAL CON STRICKLAND then one will 100% "know" this was a hijack and/or "workout" between Rosen-SCUM and Dirty Roger and BOTH ARE IN ON IT and I'm sticking with that theory and believe I'm likely accurate or very close to a "variant" on that bad scam theme !!

Posts contain only my amateur opinions, personal views and thoughts. I discuss stocks as a hobby only. Always do one's own due diligence before investing.