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Alias Born 09/20/2000

Re: uber darthium post# 96338

Sunday, 04/28/2024 8:15:53 PM

Sunday, April 28, 2024 8:15:53 PM

Post# of 101537
uber darthium, here's the truth & the whole story...

Here's the truth and the whole story. The posts, accusations, threats, bashing, and all that you have been doing have been ignorant, stupid, incorrect, and so far from the truth that it is ridiculous. I would love to tell the truth... again, since it has been a while since I have publicly explained this. Your actions are looking very foolish. You see, I have saved quite a few of my old RagingBull posts too so that I can have the proof of what happened over 20 years ago because some of you were so ignorant and wrongfully hateful and twisted back then, I just knew that some of those like yourself would be trying to bring this up over 20 years later trying to twist the truth. As one can see, I was correct. Well... here are the facts... about what really happened... back then... again...

Since you have publicly stated that you have saved all of my RagingBull posts, go to the post that I made within my forum years ago below, post #70263:

That is where I had clearly explained what happened. I will explain it again below because 40 years from now, some of you hateful ignorant ones would still be bringing this up trying to twist the facts once again and I will defend myself the same. Here's what happened for those new to the story.

This all had taken place at the Denver race back in 2004 where CMKX was a stock that had a car that participated in the car races. I was late arriving as compared to everyone else, by two days, due to flight complications. The race started on a Thursday and I arrived on that Saturday two days later. Upon arriving, I heard that Urban (CMKX CEO) was very happy about the shareholder turnout and participation at the Denver race. I was told that Urban was so happy that he wanted to do something special for shareholders. At that Denver race, he said to make a list for all shareholders at the race to put their names on the list to be part of something that he wanted to give everyone. Heck, I was a shareholder like everyone else so after I had arrived, when the list was presented to me, I was told to put my name on the list. So I did. I had no idea what it was for, but the list was long as all CMKX shareholders there at the race had put their name on the list. None of us at that time had no idea what he was planning on doing until later after the race.

So, like I had previously stated, I got to the race two days later. The list was already circulating with peoples' names on it that was there two days before me. Some of the bashers created a lie and said that I was the one behind it and started the list. That's crazy and again, another lie. I had no idea of a list even existing until after I landed and was informed by people once getting to Denver for the race. When I got home from the race and read the message board for what the bashers had started spreading as lies, it was unbelievable!

So, all of the bashing and false accusations about those shares were because of bashers trying to twist the "fact" that "ALL CMKX shareholders" at that time were given "3,000,000 RESTRICTED shares of CMKX" trading at .0001 per share at a value of $300 in total and 3,000,000 shares of CIM of which was not even trading and never ever traded in the future with a zero value. Some of us had bought quite a few million shares of CMKX at .0001 per share so getting 3,000,000 RESTRICTED Shares did nothing for our portfolio. So that's when I came up with the "Pay it Forward" idea to give your shares to someone that was in need of owning shares to help them out financially if things ever turned out to be big with CMKX to give people hope about something that wasn't there before or more than what they already had. After I received my shares, I gave my shares away and there were others that had done the same.

And here we are, 20 years later with threats and lies from uber darthium and his buddies that are still trying to twist the facts as if I was the orchestrator behind all of this to deceive thousands of shareholders. They are doing this because they know that most investors during this day and age don't know the facts about what happened because of how long it was and they figure that nobody is not going to come out to tell the real truth. Well, they got me all wrong. With them trying to tarnish my name, reputation, and my character, I have no problem telling the truth. I was nothing more than a shareholder that had nothing to do with the issuance of those shares.

I have some friends of mine that say to just ignore those guys because nobody cares and nobody believes them anyway. I do understand and partly agree with them, but my response to them was... No! Of course I will ignore them at times, but I'm going to still set the facts straight with the bashers as deemed necessary since they are still trying to tarnish my character years later as I have done absolutely nothing wrong. I was nothing more than a shareholder just like thousands of others. Yes, there were stocks before and after CMKX and I have always stated that if anyone ever feels as though they lost money because of me, call me so that we can get things positively taken care of. In my over 30 years of investing, I have not had one person call me to tell me that I was the reason why they lost money.

So, in summary, regarding that situation... The CMKX CEO ended up throwing away the list from the Denver race and just decided to issue shares to "ALL" of its shareholders. CMKX at that time, issued 6 billion RESTRICTED SHARES to all of their common shareholders at such time. So, out of those 6,000,000,000 shares, I got 3 million RESTRICTED SHARES from the company just like every other shareholder. The other 5,997,000,000 RESTRICTED SHARES went to the rest of the common shareholders. "ALL" of us got the shares for free basically as a dividend and not to pump the stock as the bashers like uber darthium are still trying to twist people to believe. Again, they were basically given to all shareholders of record at such time as a dividend. Then later, when CMKX filed everything with the SEC, their filing reflected exactly the amount of shares issued to everyone and was what I had been trying to tell people. It really pissed the bashers off back then for some reason because I guess they thought and was hoping that I was lying. They actually thought that the company gave me those 6 billion shares! Wow! Go figure. Some, like uber darthium, know the truth and are just trying to find somewhere to place blame because they lost money by buying CMKX. Heck, we all did, but the hate is really starting to look foolish. It was a bad investment decision for us all back then and I am sorry for all of our losses as I believed just like thousands of others had believed. Bottom line, I made the decision to move forward while some made the decision to remain stuck living in the past.


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