Clinical stage 3 is the last FDA stage before approval for commercialization.
The question is the LENZI molecule even work or effective in commercial use for blood cancer or preventing corvid virus immune system boost? this drug like many drugs have many uses. one is blood cancer another is boosting immune system.
anyways. the company has no intention of getting approval and could have sabotage their FDA submission so they don't get approved. why pay catalent, biowa, any money because they are doing work on the LENZ molecule and Taran if they want their services have to pay. Taran owns the 90% of hgenq shares that is why they are not selling. the company use third party companies to do all the work and manufacturing of the drug. and it's tcompanies like biowa, pathogen, catalents who do all the paperwork for submission to FDA. the company is just owner of the lenzi patent and has no other assets. the employees and board of directors of the company or liabilities and why are they still not fired. and still paying $40,000/month to two useless Board of directors for doing nothing of value. but instead ripping existing shareholder value and embezzling corporate assets.