Will do.... In the meantime look at what the cat dragged in...... https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=lindsey+stirling+kashmir&mid=D241083F65B987438D7BD241083F65B987438D7B&FORM=VIRE I have one I bought 6 years ago and I thought all was lost,still not really sure but it smells good again.Back in my account without the cusip #s...chances are ?? I had bought 20 mil, I would love to see it resurrected.. https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ZENTRIC-INC-10462452/news/Zentric-Inc-Intends-To-File-Audited-Financial-Statements-To-Become-A-Fully-Reporting-Company-26425825/ ...TIEN BITCOIN.............. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ZNTRX Like you said before,U really never know...Shat Happens... 🤞ADTM