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Re: drugmanrx post# 2353

Sunday, 04/14/2024 1:57:36 PM

Sunday, April 14, 2024 1:57:36 PM

Post# of 2357
My thoughts exactly since if it was simply for raising cash to run the business I would think we would have seen major dilution already.

Also it would be much cheaper for Fox to reverse merge into the ""USGA"" shell as opposed to doing an expensive IPO on the Nasd, Amex or Nyse.

Pure speculation but this would make sense since with the uncertain geopolitical situation between the USA and China, this would allow Fox/Gep to access the US market and possibly avoid tariff issues by manufacturing in the USA.

Noticed the foul mouth eejit JLH is acting unhinged once again.....may be a good sign of things to come. lololsss
