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Alias Born 01/02/2010

Re: None

Wednesday, 03/20/2024 10:22:10 AM

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 10:22:10 AM

Post# of 7890
A clarification post. Obviously I mark the bullish feature here on EGYF regularly. I am not using that as a buy now, jump in pumping type of announcement.
Everyone who buys needs to do their own DD, purchase when they think the timing is right to accomplish their investing/trading goals. I click on that as a signal to pay attention, keep track of the progress, get up to speed on the happenings kind of focus. Yes, I like the odds of making a profit over the long term or I wouldn't be here. However, I don't think anyone should invest blindly in any investment or just because of something like a bullish mark. Buy or sell according to your own trading system and rules.

Green Trading Everyone.