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Alias Born 06/14/2006

Re: DarkPool post# 62

Tuesday, 02/27/2024 1:14:49 PM

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 1:14:49 PM

Post# of 107
Brutal yes but not for those that sold high or even mid high. Peeps had plenty of time to get out. My guess is peeps who originally bought this really high back in 2021 sold out on this last run. Keep your eye on this one. Look at the takedown. 100% controlled to the 200ma on the daily, then it popped from .04 to .07 (40% pop) on huge volume. Much more volume than the first run. It'll be back up in no time. There's only 1.5b with 1.47b already in circulation. Way less than the 100's of billions or 1000 trillion of real scams.

I have many more that have been heading up. SHPING, FOX, SKL, ACH, SUKU, CRO, REQ and more. All with 10b or less posting very good gains in the last couple months.

CBD retail is dead. Find something better. JMHO.