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Re: ildonaldo post# 926

Thursday, 02/22/2024 8:16:33 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2024 8:16:33 PM

Post# of 975
Looking at your posts - sometimes you are pumping and other times like this you are posting facts especially about Currier.

The first post I saw was - "The clown Paul Manion is a clown. Full of shit!"

He has had plenty of problems. He is in control via EROP Enterprises LLC and Vince Sbarra thanks to you pointing out Paul T. Mannion, and it was easy connecting Mannion and Sbarra.

Add in Currier - plus Mills who is a Prohibited Service Provider on the OTCM. Mills got in trouble from being the securities counsel for all of the SSM Monopoly - which was controlled by Cooley.

Out of around 10 zombie tickers that SSM gained custodianship all have failed and now TNBI is circling the drain.

TNBI will never do anything except enrich the insiders.


The First Casualty of Emotion is Reason.