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Alias Born 01/24/2007

Re: As I See It post# 56223

Wednesday, 02/21/2024 12:36:31 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2024 12:36:31 PM

Post# of 58877
My dad use to say don’t show a fool a half built house he will ask where the windows are… the hydro test is preformed first with water or water with dye so the idiot engineers at Qsep don’t cause an ecological oil spill to go with the rest of their decade long failures. I see you backpedaling on the procedure now and admit the oil addition was done after they certified that liquid would not spill out all over place but that’s because your so use to having the company “think” for you. How’s that working out? Btw what ASME procedure did they use hmmmmm? That would clear any questions up but the company is not interested in providing details just story lines and photos of voltage power supply providing current and fancy picture of flanges and whatever else they stuff in a bogus release implying to the very stupid that all is well with the magic white pipe. In the world of business Money talks and bullshit walks. For decade Qsep has walked around the world!

Your continuity explanation again doesn’t hold water. It’s fascinating you don’t even understand what the “pulsed” portion of the Aot treatment cycle means. I bet you thought it was a pulsed voltage but it’s the length of the pipe which determines the treatment pulse so in order to the treat the volume flow with the magical time criteria that Whacky Tao cooked up, they need to divided the flow so they could achieve time/treatment per unit flow. That’s it! For the KM line they were treating a diluent for God sakes!! WTF!! I notice none of you ardent longs didn’t even question that fact for years! The resident moron zerosnoop to this day thinks they have “continued interest” lol!!! Start thinking for yourself instead or parroting management wishes and purhaps in a decade you’ll realize what a foolish investment you’ve made…
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