PLTR +8% to 23.65 Yesterday Palantir was up 30%. This is an AI play and it will probably fade from this spike but I think it's for real. They have been around for 20 years and have mostly been working for the Defense Department and US government. Recently they started going after commercial business with their AIP( AI Platform). They are so confident about their ability to use their program to work with any existing system that they are inviting corporations to send their IT and mgmt to AIP Boot Camps for a week. They have had 500+ corporations so far in 2023 and they have allowed these companies to use their software for free for a week. Many have developed working solutions for their problems in a few days. They have signed up 15% of the big hospital organizations in the US in the past year. Many of the attendees have made testimonials for Palantir already. They are also working with Ukraine and Israel militaries to help in their battles against evil. The reason for the pop in price was their recent Q4 earnings. Revs +20% but profits up more and guidance for next year was for commercial to grow by 40%. I think they are sandbagging. Very high PE but this could be a long term hold and they could grow into a giant. Recently won a contract to work with Coles, a Costco like chain in Australia. Coles had been working with Microsoft for a few years but switched to Palantir. They are not using AI to generate poetry or plagiarize your next English essay, they are generating real world solutions for big corporate issues. A couple of the hospitals said that they have already saved them millions. Notice how badly Boeing has done versus AirBus over the past few years. Guess who is working with AirBus on quality control and maintenance. Probably not the best time to buy right now but you could take the time to check them out and see how the stock does in the meantime.
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If the Commodities Boom is Over, I am just a Gold Bug headed for the Windshield of LIFE