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Alias Born 01/24/2007

Re: As I See It post# 55954

Thursday, 01/25/2024 11:16:30 AM

Thursday, January 25, 2024 11:16:30 AM

Post# of 58857
“In the past you have specifically claimed crude oil was non-polar. That was wrong! In fact, now you are saying that crude can contain conductive trace compounds. Thank you for inadvertently owning your blunder. “

Lol!! I see you’ve taken this special time to make a fool out of yourself …let me educate you. Oil is predominately non polar. Yes heavy crude has trace polar constituents but it’s negligible and could not be polarized in manner in which Tao describes. If as you suggest crude is polar the you would use water to reduce its viscosity! …polar solvents work on polar material. Nonpolars solvents work on nonpolar material. Polarization is the only conceivable action that could change the molecular alignments in a manner which Tao and the other pseudo science purveyors claim is going on when micro amps are applied to a high pressure crude flow within the Magic White Pipe. Problem is that it doesn’t work after 15 years of feeding BS to its eager investors…sorry no matter how many times you shill for this company the truth will always present itself. Albeit years down the road. If you don’t understand what solvents act on crude oils then there is little point in having a cogent discussion on the merits of the tech. You obviously are just looking to fault the argument in your everlong undying support of a dogcrap company instead of looking at the fact that many investors were lead to believe complete misrepresentations of the truth that were told by management over and over for decades. It’s a pathetic…how many investors have lost their money because you made up some scientific conclusion that was fed to you by management? Honestly this is a pink sheet no name company that has ripped off many people.

As far as the word salad that is qsep updates, if your claiming the hydrostatic test was run with oil instead of water then your understanding of this type of certification is even more woefully poor than I originally thought! This is like a boiler or other vessel that needs to pass certification. It’s a rubber stamp that tests that the pipe won’t fail or spring leaks so prospective customers can buy it. This doesn’t prove any measure of efficacy of viscosity reduction or prove that Aot won’t ground short when it’s on and moving crude at 5mph. If they did fill it with oil they did so after the leak test and how that was conducted and what type of oil was used is unknown. It’s always about kicking the can down the road and giving investors the least amount of info possible ..I remind you that this ground short issue came up at KMI which was pumping lease condensate….a diluent!
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