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Alias Born 01/24/2007

Re: Quick Sand post# 55936

Tuesday, 01/23/2024 2:14:28 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 2:14:28 PM

Post# of 58800
“Our goal is to sequence our opportunities based on scale and scope to best use case with the limited resources we have been able to succeed with since our proven demonstration of the AOT last December.”

The crack Qsep CEO/CFO/COB claimed in the last update that a “proven demonstration of the AOT…” has taken place, yet anyone following this company & awake knows it was a pressure hydrostatic test that they also ran current through.It wasn’t operating with oil and setup on a fully functioning pipeline at anywhere near field like condition and water is not that conductive. Heck if they flooded the tank with distilled water there would be virtually no chance of a ground short. The point is, the management of Qsep will say anything even if it crosses the line. This after Qsep has been warned by the SEC specifically not to use the term “ proven”.
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