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Re: UnstableElement post# 23442

Friday, 01/05/2024 12:07:43 PM

Friday, January 05, 2024 12:07:43 PM

Post# of 23480
I don’t have a holding here atm. Might look into grabbing a few once y’all push it down to dubs. I turned just enough over here to cover a little over broker fees.

The leaders appear busy trying to complete the deals over there. That’s who I’m following for catalyst, not these guys.

I stated it was highly speculative at the time and still very much is. I just think RCRT folks will want their investment here to be fruitful. Maybe it will or won’t be, but it’s worth watching.

Could be the scam you claim it to be, but in OTC scams also make money. 80% of OTC is unaudited so that point is moot IMO.

Currently, my only interest here is the RCRT connection and lately it seems Larry has some interesting connections. Otherwise, I really could care less about this stock.