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Alias Born 08/31/2019

Re: lamont814 post# 609

Sunday, 12/10/2023 2:33:27 PM

Sunday, December 10, 2023 2:33:27 PM

Post# of 677
BrotherjohnF dropped off the internet. He was big into Perth mint coins. He didn't like mining stocks because he felt they were manipulated. I subscribed to the international forecaster. Bob Chapman was a counter intelligence operative he said and I believe him. I remember listening to him talk about Russia Ukraine about 10 years ago. He said Russia will take all the most important industrial and agricultural land all the way to the Dniper River. I believe he will be correct.
I have been listening to Peter Grandich. I bought some shares of Arizona metals .
I subscribe to Luke Gromen and Srsrocco. Like Gromen is a big gold believer. Luke Gromen also likes Bitcoin. Luke Gromen likes the mining companies.
I bought Hellix when I was ideologically wedded to gold and silver crushing the Fed and the honest money ideology. It has been a brutal 10 years. I still believe in Gold and Silver but I have way too much money sunk in Hellix. I will never put that much money at risk on a pink sheet stock. I pray that Hellix will be successful and we can all celebrate. Bob Chapman was one of kind. He said Hellix was speculative but I didn't listen.