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Alias Born 08/02/2011

Re: None

Monday, 11/27/2023 10:07:36 PM

Monday, November 27, 2023 10:07:36 PM

Post# of 192568
Government just sent me a letter regarding EESO......

See, back in late October, 2008, I just started learning how to trade stocks. As the best way to learn is by doing, I started buying and selling all sorts of different stocks, just for experience. One of the ones I bought & sold was EESO, back in December of 2008....

So, I have an "unrealized loss" of $80???

If you saw this mighty pamphlet the government cobbled together, you'd know that about $8k was spent painstakingly going over my trading history (of 15 years ago???), analyzing and re-analyzing every nook and cranny of all things being "my first 5-6 weeks of trading", only to arrive at some half-assed conclusion that $80 is some how due me..... or something.

Does the government REALLY have nothing better to do than go around and waste taxpayer's money this way? I'm serious. If you saw what they mailed me, you'd swear 30-40 kids in suits were trying really, REALLY hard to justify their employment. They should be feeding the poor or something.

Yes, about $8k of government money (i.e., OUR MONEY) was spent by these clowns to construct a 13-page memo detailing how I was robbed of $80. Who can I sue for this grossness? I'm not talking about EESO, I'm talking about the stupid FEDERAL GOVERNMENT..... SHRINK IT!!! SHRINK IT, NOW, DAMMITT!!!!!!!