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Alias Born 10/03/2016

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Sunday, 11/26/2023 1:08:18 PM

Sunday, November 26, 2023 1:08:18 PM

Post# of 144059
🔴🔴AMC's Zoey ZHAO is-just “CLASSIER” than Caroline ELLISON?:

CITADEL Zoey-ZHAO RISKLESS algo 1:35/Dave LAUER says at 1:35 in VIDEO?:

Can ping-pong AMC shares INFINITELY at ZERO cost using 5 DECIMALS (not 4... 5?!) + CITADEL's own DARK POOL + Zoey ZHAO **HOLY GRAIL** RISKLESS algo?

Just INCREASE the ping-pong frequency when Apes buy more, doesn't matter because ZERO cost? (RISKLESS)

SEC looking elsewhere anyway, doesn't matter?

i.e. CITADEL reached "too big to fail" status, so can't do anything against them?

What are your thoughts about this?
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