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Alias Born 03/24/2001

Re: BIOCHEMUP post# 578

Wednesday, 11/22/2023 1:51:34 PM

Wednesday, November 22, 2023 1:51:34 PM

Post# of 4438
It looks like the company has 500 million shares for sale, and I am not sure how many more they have left to go? The news has been awesome here and the PPS hasn't been reacting the way it's supposed to? Maybe someone who understands these filings can better explain this?

1-A: Item 4. Summary Information Regarding the Offering and Other Current or Proposed Offerings
Summary Infomation
Check the appropriate box to indicate whether you are conducting a Tier 1 or Tier 2 offering ? Tier1 ? Tier2
Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the financial statements have been audited ? Unaudited ? Audited
Types of Securities Offered in this Offering Statement (select all that apply)
?Equity (common or preferred stock)
Does the issuer intend to offer the securities on a delayed or continuous basis pursuant to Rule 251(d)(3)? ? Yes ? No
Does the issuer intend this offering to last more than one year? ? Yes ? No
Does the issuer intend to price this offering after qualification pursuant to Rule 253(b)? ? Yes ? No
Will the issuer be conducting a best efforts offering? ? Yes ? No
Has the issuer used solicitation of interest communications in connection with the proposed offering? ? Yes ? No
Does the proposed offering involve the resale of securities by affiliates of the issuer? ? Yes ? No
Number of securities offered
Number of securities of that class outstanding
The information called for by this item below may be omitted if undetermined at the time of filing or submission, except that if a price range has been included in the offering statement, the midpoint of that range must be used to respond. Please refer to Rule 251(a) for the definition of "aggregate offering price" or "aggregate sales" as used in this item. Please leave the field blank if undetermined at this time and include a zero if a particular item is not applicable to the offering.
Price per security
$ 0.0010
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of the issuer
$ 500000.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to securities being offered on behalf of selling securityholders
$ 0.00
The portion of the aggregate offering price attributable to all the securities of the issuer sold pursuant to a qualified offering statement within the 12 months before the qualification of this offering statement
$ 0.00
The estimated portion of aggregate sales attributable to securities that may be sold pursuant to any other qualified offering statement concurrently with securities being sold under this offering statement
$ 0.00
Total (the sum of the aggregate offering price and aggregate sales in the four preceding paragraphs)
$ 500000.00
Anticipated fees in connection with this offering and names of service providers
Underwriters - Name of Service Provider
Underwriters - Fees
Sales Commissions - Name of Service Provider
Sales Commissions - Fee
Finders' Fees - Name of Service Provider
Finders' Fees - Fees
Audit - Name of Service Provider
Audit - Fees
Legal - Name of Service Provider
Legal - Fees
$ 15000.00
Promoters - Name of Service Provider
Promoters - Fees
Blue Sky Compliance - Name of Service Provider
Blue Sky Compliance - Fees
$ 10000.00
CRD Number of any broker or dealer listed:
Estimated net proceeds to the issuer
$ 475000.00
Clarification of responses (if necessary)