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Alias Born 08/30/2001

Re: Susie924 post# 5649

Wednesday, 11/01/2023 10:50:15 AM

Wednesday, November 01, 2023 10:50:15 AM

Post# of 5729
Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike Felicia?? She looks into the camera and claims she's winning this whole thing?? Her argument totally revolves around the fact she can't compete in anything and she's only there because people know she has no chance.
I'm going out on a limb and saying, if she were to win, I'm done watching this show!
Looks like Matt is about to learn that Jag has his own agenda.
I don't know why Jag and Matt are still lying to Felicia and Cirie? It's pretty obvious where they fall on the position ladder and it ticks me off every time they complain they aren't being treated well by people carrying them through the season!
I've lost all respect for Bowie Jane, who I thought for a moment had a real strategy. She would have been so much smarter to have booted Matt or Jag when she controlled the voting. She vs Cirie and Felicia could have been an easy win. Instead, she settles for 3rd? Who knows, maybe 2nd if Jag and/or Matt get serious.
Maybe that's worth it? But why not boot her after final 4 and drag along Felicia again?
Once again I'll say it, one of the most poorly played seasons ever. Also, allowing Jag to stick around after being voted out 11-0 totally changed the game.

Just my opinion, of course.

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