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Post# of 5729
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Alias Born 08/30/2001

Re: Susie924 post# 5629

Wednesday, 10/25/2023 9:53:27 AM

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 9:53:27 AM

Post# of 5729
Soooo....with every episode I dislike Felicia more.
Cirie made her first mistake since her kid left. She was doing such a good job of keeping stuff to herself. Credit her for always being aware of the game's future.
Now Matt HAS to take out Jag. A backdoor from Matt would be genius. Not sure he has the mindset for it. He needs Jag down to 4 though.
It would make me sick if anyone other than the above two or Bowie Jean were to win.
Do Fe and Cirie really not know that if Blue came down, one of them goes up?
For this year's season being nothing but paranoid players, how did no one realize Matt and Jag controlled the game 100%?

BTW, was this site down for a while or was it my area? I couldn't get on here yesterday. Kept getting error messages. Is this place going out of business?

Just my opinion, of course.

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