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Re: RunningLow post# 285

Monday, 10/23/2023 10:31:36 PM

Monday, October 23, 2023 10:31:36 PM

Post# of 306
/Does the hydrogen process only need the G-reformer as the natural gas will already be on site for conversion to hydrogen? As such, does it need the mini--refinery looking setup that GWTI has at their property near Houston?

Deos the natural gas to fuel or chemical process require the mini-refinery setup?

From what I understand they have to first get the G-reformer accredited as to safety (though they don't work with any real high pressure or finicky technology) and then do the test runs to achieve economical production.

Hope the transition to hydrogen also produces the same amount of water and heat as the fuel and chemical processes do or would there be no need for the heat/turbine setup when being used for hydrogen?

This is a godsend if this allows GWTI to finally be able to prove to the oil/gas and the electrical power industries that it is of great benefit. Could be a world changing technology for many desert areas of the world and for many disadvantaged areas where the income, water, and electric generation (in use with a turbine) could allow them to become prosperous.
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