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Re: MADDSTACKER post# 495

Friday, 09/29/2023 4:06:55 PM

Friday, September 29, 2023 4:06:55 PM

Post# of 500
Have been here the whole time holding long. Cannabis is a commodity. This is a CPG industry. Nobody buys shares in a corn farm. The plant will be grown and sold by the bushel and folks betting on greenhouses did not learn from Canada. Craft growers will always command premium prices. McWeed will make investors $. They made a good move by aligning with alcohol. That is where the future is. Cannabis in a bottle. Tinley has been doing the heavy lifting in the toughest market while others lazily chase low hanging fruit. The effort will pay off, just a matter of time

Anything I post is my opinion only and subject to change on a whimsy