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Alias Born 01/04/2011

Re: toastturtle post# 611

Friday, 09/29/2023 1:12:00 PM

Friday, September 29, 2023 1:12:00 PM

Post# of 644
Yeah, wondered about account receivables as well. I prefer to not jump to conclusions and wait to hear from the company. As for Crossley a doctor so go soft, no, she's been running lots of companies as CEO, but does seem to like scams.

In terms of needing cash, let's see, you may be correct on ACs not wrapping up as collected as was conveyed.

And well, hey, 200k is a nice bundle. You get in in pennies?

There was a huge block buyer recently as reason for the recent market maker take down to the mid 0.20s that popped back to $0.30s usd right after. But stock price back there now.


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