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Alias Born 03/30/2008

Re: Tutu post# 192556

Monday, 09/18/2023 7:19:04 PM

Monday, September 18, 2023 7:19:04 PM

Post# of 192568
I filed my claim yesterday. The form I received in the mail only had one purchase date on it. There were two other trade dates I was allowed to claim. For those that don't know what we are talking about, the SEC decided that there are certain trade dates, that those of us that got scammed by Jared and EESO can get a settlement for. I'm not sure why it's only about 24 dates from 2007-2009, but if you purchased shares on those dates you may be entitled to a settlement. Here is the website for more info. You can download the paperwork from there or file online. It has to be done by 9/30/23.