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Alias Born 05/17/2005

Re: None

Friday, 09/01/2023 12:58:41 PM

Friday, September 01, 2023 12:58:41 PM

Post# of 404115
The major question is not IF Brilacidin is a wonderful drug, but whether management and finances will allow IPIX to get to the point when revenues start rolling in. There are many of us here that were posting the exact same messages as the last couple of extremely positive posts in 2012 and somehow the medical wizards, BP powers to be, governmental bodies, and IPIX mgt haven't been able to get Brilacidin past the 'most likely great new drug on the horizon' for viruses, bacteria, inflammatory issues, fungi, etc and look where we sit now.

I would caution all new investors to not fall in love with the stock as many of us did and we now are in extremely bad shape regarding this investment. It is not as if the stock price is going to go up overnight and there is no reason to invest more than your funds set aside for 'ultra risky' investments. If IPIX does flourish, there will be time to make a fortune off of it but I would at this stage not take all the risk until a more likely avenue to success rears its head. Heed the old Wall St adage "Pigs get slaughtered" and don't go whole hog in at this time.

Even if you have a large position now, future financial requirements could require a shakeup to the point where current investors bear the brunt of the losses.

This is in no way a knock on Brilacidin, just a warning not to get overzealous until the risks come down to extremely high because IMO they are way above that at the current time.