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Alias Born 02/17/2002

Re: FinsDontRule post# 17065

Thursday, 08/31/2023 9:39:28 AM

Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:39:28 AM

Post# of 17111
Crazy enough.... About a week ago, I happened to have a wonderful, totally unexpected opportunity to engage in a very good, at length discussion, with a highly educated, young, Ford Motor Company plastics engineer/inventor.... We were waiting in line next to eachother to buy allocated bourbon at a distillery, and he was talking about the increased need for "industrial transport". What led to that, was he spoke of changes that he thought Ford needed to address inorder to increase profits. I mentioned that I was aware of the increased demand in that specific technology, and brought up $RGGI & Parsh Patel's noteworthy oversight; with regard to ResGreen's many accomplishments in such a small time frame.

He was actually from Michigan, and he immediately put the ResGreen ticker symbol into his cell phone. He brought up the topic, not me... The guy was extremely bright, and he confirmed (to me) that my money is well invested in Mr. Patel's leadership and innovative ability.

I feel very confident about what this little start-up company is achieving. Just thought I'd share this matter-of-fact encounter with the thread. I thought: What better confirmation of 'strong demand for product', than this guy! By the way: He was salary/contract, not a UAW worker.