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Alias Born 10/15/2000

Re: None

Wednesday, 08/16/2023 7:06:41 AM

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 7:06:41 AM

Post# of 351
Lets see. No on answers or returns calls from a virtual office they rent in las vegas with a number of questionable tenants Now this .......

Merging with another Boca Raton Company (Home of every swindler in the world)) thats promoting a wearable device to prevent opioid ODs.. Really?

Now this

Odyssey Health Inc. (OTC Pink: ODYY)

Presenting on the Emerging Growth Conference on August 9 & 10 Register Now
7:00 am ET August 8, 2023 (Globe Newswire) Print
GlobeNewswireAugust 08, 2023
MIAMI, Aug. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- a leading independent small cap media portal announces the schedule of the 60th Emerging Growth Conference on August 9, 10, 2023.

The Emerging Growth Conference identifies companies in a wide range of growth sectors, with strong management teams, innovative products & services, focused strategy, execution, and the overall potential for long-term growth.

Dear Wall Street,
I am sorry, but you can't take my money.

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