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Re: a false profit post# 35786

Friday, 07/21/2023 4:46:09 PM

Friday, July 21, 2023 4:46:09 PM

Post# of 36487
Exactly. The future we have ahead of us would make Orwell shake his head.

Private corporations and banks control the world.

Here is a glimpse into the future and nothing can stop it because the Banks and large corporations control the world and the politicians. They control our reality.

In the future you will see:

-More and more people becoming poorer. Because inflation erodes our purchasing power.
-More of a push on climate change and more money being forced in that direction. (Great debt creator to keep system going) They will use this climate change to FORCE dystopian regulations on you.
-If curriencies are backed by gold, it wont matter because the bankers hold all the gold and they control the price
-Currencies backed by digital currencies. CBDC will allow the banks to have total control over you. If you do not follow the rules or fall into line they will cuts off your funds. You will be punished financially. This digital currency will have an expiration date so you will HAVE to spend it and not save it. If you save it you will lose it. In the current system saving is called "Leakage" :,cash%20leakage%20lowers%20the%20ability%20of%20credit%20creation.

"In reality, cash leakages occur when amounts of money are borrowed from banks but not re-deposited. Leakages also occur in the form of funds deposited in banks but not lent out. In this system, cash leakage lowers the ability of credit creation."

-Silver and gold will never achieve its true value. It will only go as high as the bankers want it to go. If they back currencies with gold, they control the gold and the price of gold. So they can balance and control the value of currencies.

-Private property ownership will be non existent. Blackrock and other private corporations are buying all the properties and we will all be renters:

The only people that will be able to afford housing will be the hyper wealthy. It reminds me once again about this quote:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies, If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Talk about a crystal ball.......

What we will see in the relatively near future will be dystopian. And there is no way we can stop it. The banks and corporations have all the control and anytime anybody has ever opposed the bankers bad things has happened:

Anybody that opposes bad things happen.

-There will be a social credit score system put into place to control you.

Here is a little story about a person I follow. He was talking on his podcasts and his comedy tours about topics that should not be talked about. The powers that be did not like this. And here is what happened.

First they stopped the monetization of his Youtube channel. Then they cancelled his Youtube. Then they cancelled his Patreon. Then they cancelled his Paypal. Then they would not allow any banking transactions to him through his bank accounts.

He had to rely on people sending him money via snail mail.

And this is only one story of many.

Now imagine what YOU could possibly be doing or saying that may be against the beliefs of the POWER. They will have total control of your lives.

So I don't have a positive view of the direction we are heading. We are already heading towards 1984. Cameras everywhere. Molested getting onto planes. Forced to get injections and wear masks. Can't buy groceries if you don't wear masks.

What if you don't follow the rules and they turn off your ability to shop for food:

It is the private corporations that are setting this stuff up. And they are using the politicians to push the agenda. When I say that the banks and corporations own everything, I MEAN IT. The have owned and consolidated everything. They own it all.

A Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb arguing what's for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic the lamb is armed. We live in a Constitutional Republic.