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Re: msocco2 post# 33213

Monday, 06/12/2023 3:35:30 PM

Monday, June 12, 2023 3:35:30 PM

Post# of 33234
If this stock ever gets picked up by a legit financial backer and gets momentum behind it, there is more room for growth in a short amount of time than Apple and Microsoft.

There was that stock 2-3 years ago that went from 'inactive' trips to dollars in like 2 months. Millionaires were made and I bet a alot of millions were made by the company who made that happen. Thing is, is that it ran on very little, but, it had hype, social media hype and momentum.

Company takes over. Holds big amounts of shares, works their ass off and get to 1 dollar. They make so much money, quicker than investing that capital in apple and waiting 10 years.

Crazier shit has happened