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Alias Born 03/18/2021

Re: FranksAlot post# 33209

Thursday, 06/08/2023 10:44:29 AM

Thursday, June 08, 2023 10:44:29 AM

Post# of 33234
no YOu ANDDDDDD wall-e-world, and Eat At Joes, andddddd EVERY EVERY other 12 year bagholder on here MUSTTTT donate ALL of your worthless garbage atnp stock IF, and i mean IF you ever expect this TRASH HEAP to ever go up ONE see, IF just ONE of you "bagholders" hold onto your 10 million/20 millioin shares of this TRASH, then this stock, by the laws of nature itself CANNOT go up ONE TIC.....You will not be buying your "Bentleys" on this stock now or ever, the MOST you can pray for, is to liquidate EVERY worthless share you have in this, and then maybe make a few hundred off it "down the road".....