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Re: AlwaysRed post# 35685

Sunday, 05/28/2023 9:54:16 PM

Sunday, May 28, 2023 9:54:16 PM

Post# of 36572
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” - The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

You can NOT taper a Ponzi scheme. You can not cut spending or stop increasing debt in a Ponzi scheme:

The politicians PROMISE things to get elected and then the men in suits tell them how the system works. Suddenly the politicians back track on their promises. Why?

Here is Obama telling us he wants to deal with the debt "Crisis":

This stuff is so funny once you understand:

Look, he says adding 4 trillion to the national debt is unpatriotic:

He added 11 trillion!

Now he said one thing and did another, why? It so funny, because they KNOW that debt is money. They prey on your ignorance! Just like the metal salesmen........

Look at Obamas debt. It goes up just like all the rest. IT HAS TO!:

You can't cut or reduce a Ponzi scheme.

The only way money is created is by spending it into existence. Dollars have to be borrowed into existence.

But only the principle is borrowed and not the interest. So to create enough dollars to pay for the interest, dollars need to be SPENT into existence.

More national debt=more dollars.

More war, more dollars created
More government institutions, more dollars created

The economy needs new ways to spend dollars into existence or the whole system will collapse.

But they don't want to create the dollars and dump them into the US economy or it will cause inflation.

They want to create dollars and EXPORT them. That is why they created the Petro dollar.
Kissinger created the Petro dollar and it was genius. I made it mandatory for all countries to hold dollars to buy oil. All oil transactions were to be conducted in dollars. That was how they FORCED other countries to hold dollars. They EXPORTED dollars around the world.

That is why you see all of this money being sent to Ukraine. They need to create the debt money by spending the dollars into existence, but they also export them out of the country so it does not cause inflation.

I hope people are following along and see what is happening and why.

The dollar is a Ponzi scheme. The politicians know this but LIE to you.

Just like the metal salesmen........

A Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb arguing what's for dinner. In a Constitutional Republic the lamb is armed. We live in a Constitutional Republic.