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Alias Born 03/18/2021

Re: None

Monday, 05/15/2023 9:48:57 AM

Monday, May 15, 2023 9:48:57 AM

Post# of 33234
bottom line is this, its BAGHOLDERS like wall-e world, joe-e, and franksredhotsauce that will prevent this stock from EVER EVER moving up ONE tic again...........for it to do so, would require thousands of dollars in equity for this stock to pay out, which it does NOT have........therefore , by the laws of physics itself, this stock CANNOT move up a tic......the only way this stock could ever move up a tic is if you 20 or so remaining bagholders liquidated or donated your millions of worthless shares. Then and ONLY THEN, could this stock possibly ever go up a tic or two......those are the facts.