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Re: NotARookie31 post# 33189

Monday, 05/15/2023 9:38:23 AM

Monday, May 15, 2023 9:38:23 AM

Post# of 33234
and that is EXACTLY what this garbage scam stock will NEVER and i mean NEVERRRR go up even ONE TIC from now til the stars burn out of the sky....Simply BECAUSE people like you who have sat on and have millions and millions of worthless shares of this thing because you are DELUSIONAL and think at some point this is going to go up just oneeeeeeee little tic or two or three, and POOF, your RICH....POOF..ten YEARS later or more your STILL sitting on this junk thinking "one of these days its gonna pop"...Well fools, IN ORDER for this to go up a TIC OR TWO, making your worthless garbage worth thousands would mean SOMEONE would have to foot the bill, SOME WAY the stock would have to be worth many thousands to "pay out" to you and the few other clowns/jokers on here who think your gonna get rich off the stock...So tell me, how exactly do you think a stock worth NO VALUE is going to pay you tens of thousands of dollarrs? PLEASE, for the love of God and ALL that is HOLY educate me on how you think a stock that is worth NOTHING can pay you tens of thousands of dollars? EDUCATE ME..., Now, stop pumping this garbage or i will have to come back here and enlighten would be investors again like i have done for years .