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Re: Abaddon post# 84761

Thursday, 05/04/2023 1:11:10 AM

Thursday, May 04, 2023 1:11:10 AM

Post# of 97082
Abaddon, Nathan Hall is so full of shit...

Nathan Hall is literally famous for fabricating bullshit stories, just ask anyone who has ever worked with him. They ALL say he's crazy. They say he is incapable of telling the truth and more FOS and devious then anyone they've ever known. His own mother hated his guts for the life of crime he leads and especially for trying to scam her(his own mother) out of her own home. She always felt so guilty for bringing such a huge POS into this world. He was just born bad, and his entire life has been a life of crime and scams. Did you know that Nathan Hall has 2 brothers and they both turned out to be just as seedy and shady as Nathan? Yep, every son that Nathan Halls poor mother gave birth to turned out to be ruthless, seedy, pathological lying criminal felons. All 3 of her sons are felons that have spent a portion of their lives behind bars in federal prisons for various crimes they have committed throughout their lives, but Nathans own mother would say that Nathan was the worst of litter, a real demon seed so to speak. I have been building quite the file on this lowlife freak, Nathan Hall, and I wanted to share some of the links and details here so people can see just how FOS that worm Nathan Hall really is.

Did you hear the real story about Nathan Halls military service in the Army, Abaddon? It's so crazy it's almost unbelievable but I have the actual court documents and links to other sources to prove it all. It's all true. So get this...Short fat little Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall was only in the military/ Army for 3 short years. His highest rank in his short term served was Corporal, which is only one rank above the lowest rank in the military which is a Private. So very early on in Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall's service in the Army, that crazy little fat boy Nathan hurt his knee during basic training, giving himself a 'disability' which pretty much made him almost worthless to the military so they shipped fat little worthless Nathan "Krispe Kreme" Hall off to be stationed in Korea to a low level pencil pusher desk job because like I said he was worthless to the military. Pretty pathetic so far, right? We'll here's where this true story gets really crazy. Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall use to make up and completely fabricate his service history in the military and he use to tell people and probably still does to this day that he was some sort of top secret military recruiting agent for International and National security jobs recruiting for Seal Team 2. Yep, he use to tell people that his job in the military was contracting Seal Team 2 members for secret missions in the Middle East and Africa especially into Central Africa Republic. Now some of this is direct quotes from Nathan "FOS" Hall's own lying mouth. Crazy right? He would hype himself up to be some sort of hero who has saved the world with his super secret military access and missions. He even has claimed to have top secret knowledge and inside information about the Benghazi Attack in 2012. Obviously, none of it is true, but that fat little idiot would claim it was. Nathan was nothing but a low level 'disabled' errand boy during his short miserable service in the Army. Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall used to put all of this fake bullshit about his "stellar" military service on his social media profiles to try to impress people. Pretty pathetic so far, right Abaddon? Well, it gets much worse. While that fat little pretend GI Joe Nathan Hall was stationed in Korea at his errand boy desk job, he had access to the equipment the military used to make military ID's for service members, and in typical Nathan "POS" Hall fashion, Nathan illegally used that military equipment to make a couple of fake ID's for himself and his crooked little crony Mr. Spariosu. Nathan made his own fake military ID to say that his rank was "CPT" or Captain when his highest rank in the Army was only a corporal. This fake military ID that Nathan made had a fake date of birth, fake social security number and a fake rank. The other fake ID that Nathan Hall made for his friend Mr. Spariosu who never even served in the military, but Nathan made Mr. Spariosu's fake ID rank to be a Major. Yep, then the two of those worthless little slime bags used those fake military ID's that Shady Nathan cooked up to cash $34,000 worth of fake checks...yep, that that stupid fat little bastard got caught too, and prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced in federal court to serve 60 months in the federal penitentiary at Petersburg Federal Prison in Hopewell, VA, a medium security federal correctional institution. Nathan did get his prison sentence reduced from 60 months to 51 months, but only on a technicality. The stories I hear of what happened to him for those 4 year in the Petersburg Federal Prison are pretty crazy too. I hear the other inmates turned him into their little "prison bitch" and did horrible things to fat helpless little 'disabled' Nathan Hall during his little vacation stay in the Federal prison, but that's another story that we can circle back to later, but right now let's just focus on these public court documents that prove that Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall lied his ass off about his entire pathetic 3 years in the Army and his illegal activity that ended with Nathan "prison bitch" Hall spending over 4 years in prison. Here are some of the court docs. I highly recommend reading it all within the links, it's quite the rabbit hole. Here, I'll post some cliff notes of these court documents about Nathan Hall's life of crime, because it's a lot to read. Here are some snips or pieces related to Nathan Hall's fake military ID scandal and I'll even include the links here, Read these:

Pretty pathetic, right Abaddon? We'll it get even way crazier than this. This whole fake military ID scandal of crazy Nathan Hall only scratches the surface. This is just the early years of Nathan's life of crime. Wanna hear some more true stories about that short fat little shady freak, Nathan? What I find very interesting about Nathan "Gomer Pyle" Hall's crazy lies about his dishonorable service in the Army, was that some of his bullshit first surfaced here on the internet about 8 years ago. I wonder who was the source of info in this next link posted here below. This is a very important piece of information here Abaddon, and I'd like to ask where the source of this info came from? It's obviously all false, I'm just mostly curious about the source. LOOK HERE:

Just recently fake ass nathan popped up on the internet making a bunch of fake and completely fabricated bullshit stories about Frank in a shake down attempt to extort cash from Frank, but dumb ass crooked Nathan is starting to realize that he won't get another dime from Frank...EVER. Yep, Frank has all of the signed contracts with Cladio who actually owned the 100% control block of the preferred shares, and freak show Nathan controlled nothing even though he still pretends that he did. Yep, and apparently part of the agreement was that Nathan "FOS" Hall was supposed to return a block of shares(30 million) that were issued and in the possession of Nathans disgusting ex wife CiCi back to the treasury for them to be cancelled along with the rest of the shares Frank cancelled, but of course, instead of living up to the agreement, Shady Nathan cooked up some more fake documents and used those fake mortgage and wire documents to fool the old transfer agent into issuing that cert for his ex that was supposed to be retired back to the treasury to himself, then immediately dumped them all on the open market, and that is exactly why Frank had to immediately change Transfer agents from crooked Continental Transfer to MONI's new Transfer agent Olde Mammoth, and completely shutting shady nathan out from his nefarious and illegal security fraud activities forever. Now Nathan is claiming that Frank sold those shares when it was really Nathan. How crazy is that? Another big laugh is how just recently Nathan claimed that Frank had been "served" with "legal" documents, and it turned out from crazy nathan stupid little peru blog of lies, the letter that was "served" to Frank was nothing but a poorly written letter cooked up by nathan himself, and because dumbass nathan sent the stupid BS leter by certified mail, he thinks that means "served"? Really? You would think that if anyone knows what being "served" really means, it would be that life long criminal Nathan Hall, right? Yeah, he knows, he also knows that he has no case and is not getting another dime from Frank, so now he's just trying to intimidate and extort Frank and trying to cause fake problems in hopes that Frank will just pay him to go away, but Frank doesn't give a shit because he has all of the documents to prove that Nathan Hall is full of shit. Long story short, that little dopey meth head Nathan Hall won't get another dime, EVER. Apparently the new company that is taking control of MONI soon knows all about Nathans shady ways and are well aware of his bullshit, and could care less about all of Nathan's crazy lies. This last little shakedown attempt by shady nathan is futile. Nathan gets nothing, hiss lies mean nothing, and every little fake story that the bullshit artist nathan cooks up means nothing and the deal still closes, and crazy shady nathan hall can eat shit.