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Alias Born 04/03/2002

Re: Trooperstocks post# 10779

Wednesday, 05/03/2023 3:11:12 PM

Wednesday, May 03, 2023 3:11:12 PM

Post# of 10794
OMHI is a classic case of an under discovered sleeper stock that is due for much higher valuations once more investors see the picture that is developing here. Just look at the key points that OMHI has going for it ....

Operator of OneMart Grocery Store Chain in the British Virgin Islands.

Offering Mobile App Based Delivery Services to Optimize Retail Business.

Expanding DoGetGo App in Western Jamaica with the Launch of DoRide.

Working with The Jamaica Union Travelers Association to Exclusively Use the DoGetGo Super App Over the Next Five Years for Their 12,000 Drivers.

Fiscal 2022 Record Results with Total Revenues Increased 28.7% to $37.2M.

Earnings Per Share increased 25% to $0.05 from $0.04.

For Fiscal 2023, Expects Revenues of $40M- $42M and Net Income of $2.5M+.