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Re: None

Thursday, 04/27/2023 6:44:19 AM

Thursday, April 27, 2023 6:44:19 AM

Post# of 138022
All day yesterday and today I just started thinking about Johnny and what he could be doing. If it was regarding the stock it would be relative and while it may seem not relative to talk about what he did, I would like folks to consider that if George the New guy was getting paid too much at $20 per hour because he is taking a shower with Irish Spring soap instead of fixing the shower tiles... Would not it be relative to talk about what he is washing instead of what he is repairing?

Can it be argued that washing money in the shower with Irish Spring is better than doing it in the laundry room when said money can be used for Viva activities seeing that all activities are potential Vivalivetv activities?