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Alias Born 03/10/2007

Re: lighter than AIR post# 11256

Wednesday, 04/26/2023 3:00:22 PM

Wednesday, April 26, 2023 3:00:22 PM

Post# of 11303
We're not investing any more funds in Alkalin-88 no matter who management signs a deal with. Not until we start to get strong earnings reports.
We're not selling any of our positions .
The faster the stock price keeps dropping the better for us because of the large share holders won't be able to keep dumping there stock on us. It's very profitable for them to keep dumping some of their share on the way back down to fifteen cents a share and do another reverse stock split on us.
I was dumb enough to gamble on loading up on my stock position just before the stock split.
Until strong earnings they will continue to feed us with their cheap stock.
And Thanks