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Re: BesaoT35 post# 52945

Monday, 04/17/2023 2:40:30 PM

Monday, April 17, 2023 2:40:30 PM

Post# of 53215
Besao; you wrote...

OK the price per share has to drop and in the future you are certain to cover at a much lower price, you are saying.

If the price drops below what debt holders sell for you just buy back at the lower market price and pocket the difference between the selling short high and buy back low. If the shares don’t drop much so you don’t make much or they even rise in price, you buy debt shares form debt holders who end up with unlimited shares and they sell like it’s a fire sale and you still make money regardless if the price goes up or down.

The big boys are putting TREN into this scheme. They are massively shorting at this price level. Are these invisible naked shorts or properly registered shorts? Why would the price per share be rising while these massive shorts are occurring?

I don’t know as a fact TREN is being put it into a scheme, I rely on the data to tell the story. When the share price rises on a schemes launch or pump, remember the share price rises on very few trades. When the shares rise in price, the volume drops. Retailers do not like high priced shares and savvy investors stay clear of questionable high priced low volume stocks because they want liquidity and to get liquidity you need more shares trading and to do that you need more investors who want lower priced shares (debt dilution). Schemes also like to keep the float low to fool retailers that if they take out the Asked the price will rise. (Usually pumpers say slap the asked, take out the level 2 and it’s to da moon)

If pumped stocks are so GREAT, whey aren’t the pumpers buying them all and keep the profits for themselves? Why tell strangers? Pumpers are paid to post lies that are not linked to the company pump and face violations. If someone on IHUB said it’s a sure thing, the company cannot be responsible for what others say but we know they are paid by third parties to post what the company can be blamed for as a violation.

Retailers will buy any scheme that has a pumper say. To da moon, train leaving the station, it will explode or 10 bagger etc.

If TREN sold 19,000 shares at $1+ they took in $28,000 (pocket change). They want to make $50,000,000 and will never sell 50 million at $1 because to do that they need higher-level investors they will never attract. Even if they kept things the way they are and not dilute, the $1 shares will be sold back and forth on the open market that does not help the company if they are just selling shares. If they were making money from company sales, they would not need to dilute or need capital to operate. If a company is at a loss and is not making revenue from sales, and they do not do debt dilution, they have no choice but to close the ticker down.

If a scheme can only survive selling shares, they need to keep selling shares to keep the money flowing in. To keep selling and have liquidity, they need more shares and to attract more buyers they need to offer shares for less and less. It’s easier to find 100,000 people to spend $200 each, then 200 people to each spend $100,000.

Schemes debt dilute to make money period! Or make the company plans generate real revenue. Since most schemes have to be a really HOT TOPIC news to attract retailers that is always associated with mining or getting into a Trillion Dollar industry, the problem is the costs to get those operations up and running cost more then what they raise diluting shares.

If a company PR’s says they are making sales with no debt and expanding on what is working, they won’t need to sell shares for revenue and no debt dilution can take place.

If a ticker has no debt they cannot be a pump and dump.

NOTE: When you see 100 shares trade, its not a real trade, the 100 is a market maker signal they put as an order, 100 means “I need shares.” Most times when you see volumes like 100, 200, 300, 400, they are not trades, they are various signal to other market makers.

200 means a MM needs shares but don’t take the price down.
300 means a take the stock down 30% so I can load up
400 means trade it sideways. (You can Google the list of signals)
700 means to move the price up and 777 also means to move the price up.

I have personally purchased shares in a scheme and bought 777 shares that sent the signal to have the price moved up. The Market Makers figure it was one of the schemers getting ready to make a move. When they took the price up I sold and in about 1 hour someone traded 300 to take the price back down.

ANY stock on the OTC that only wants to sell shares can only make money by selling lots of shares cheap on news that is just intent.

The fact that it’s all intent will keep the savvy investors away and the ones buying the shares now are penny players who are DYING to buy more when the price tanks so they can get more shares for less then the $1+ price is so there is some belief they will rise back up to $1 or the company will claim they will file to move to NASDAQ.

You think a company would just start with 50 billion shares and sell them for $.01 but there is no higher price investors would see a goal that they were once at $1 and they may go back to $1. Its always start at higher price, debt dilute and more will figure it could go back to $1.
Some do not realize that on an S1 conversion even if the company does not fulfill the NYSE or NASDAQ requirements they can trade on that exchange but 5 months and later be de-listed to the OTC.

YES! OTC tickers even current are all de listed stocks

Since OTC tickers are on the de-listed website known as the OTC Markets, they are exactly like GRAY market stocks, they are all de-listed but that does not mean they are not trading and have a ticker that is active.

People think that moving from the OTC to Grays means they have been de-listed. That is 100% incorrect. ALL OTC tickers are de-listed like gray. They just pay to advertise on the OTC so they can publish the schemes false data to get the retailers who cannot buy shares on the grays to buy into their scheme.

Don’t you wonder why so many OTC pump and dumps end up on the EM Grays? They know they can’t sell anyone any more shares so that is the sign they are folding or reverse merging. When a company elects to move to the Grays like GNGR, they are in fact saying ADIOS to the scams and retailers and any further short attempts.

GNGR is likely being held at bay by over sold borrowers who were likely adding more naked shorts when on the OTC to retailers to help keep the price down. Now that they are on the Grays, no more can short GNGR and any move they make will only attract savvy and accredited investors who are the ones who say this could be the next needle in the haystack.

Even if retailers can buy gray stocks and if the shares rise to $.01 it’s too much for them to invest and they continue to gravitate to $.0001 shares to hope for a killing. De-listed and revoked are two different things. In fact GRAYS are where the BIG boys buy shares because they know Grays cannot be shorted and it also keeps retailers away because Grays with validity do not want those crazy retailers who want to buy $100 worth and hope it turns into $10,000,000 on some pump debt schemes cheap shares, and since the ticker cannot sell to those investors the Gray ticker cannot be just a share selling scheme.

Investors that bash the HELL out of tickers dilution is not because they lose $100 but because they blame the scheme for them losing $10,000,000 they had spent in their minds based on the hyped numbers. Must be hard to tell your wife to start looking for a $1,000,000 home and new cars and plan to retire only to end up saying to her “don’t quit your day job so fast”.

If you’re a pump and dump scheme on the Grays you can’t sell to retailers and would lose your customer base that lets the scheme make $50,000,000 on dilution, and shorting Grays is not allowed. So the Grays seem to be safer then the OTC listings. Any valid gray market stock (not some pump and dump that was moved to grays) but companies that are doing what they set out to do that is not just to sell shares are likely going to survive and expand to higher markets.

GNGR has been called a scam, crook CEO, POS stock etc. That is only due to the price being down even though the structure of the company and data is the opposite of a debt diluted pump and dump scheme. Our firm’s attorney told the group in a meeting that if GNGR were a scam they are doing it wrong.

It is also a fact that some who own GNGR since 2008, may be the only stock they have left and need GNGR to make back all their other investment losses.

When the stock price goes back up, the same idiots who cry scam that don’t even know what a scam is will be cheering the CEO calling him an asset to the investment community.
The lunatic investors even call a CEO of a scam a genius if the price rises. But good luck selling the shares as that Genius soon turns into a crook. Investors are their own worst enemy.

If a stock price at $.01 went to $.10 then down to $.0001 back and forth each day, you would see the same investors post, Crook CEO, Hero CEO, Scammer CEO, Genius CEO, Thief CEO, Great CEO etc.

And no retailers like to invest $1 to have it rise to $20 because they may only put in $400 for 300 shares (like TREN) and at $20 they only make $6,000. Even if TREN goes to $50 per share and most only bought 300 shares that also is only $15,000 and can’t compete with the lotto dream.

The only way to win the $1,000,000 lotto dream on an OTC ticker is to buy a few shares high and buy millions on the diluted cost average down price and then they go back to $1. Problem is they never go back up. If the company can’t sell 100,000 $1 shares, how do investors believe that after the dilution adds billions to the float that they will go back to $1 and the brokers can sell 5 billion shares when they couldn’t even sell 100,000?

Schemes know full well they will not sell many shares at $1+ so they must debt dilute or they lose $50,000,000 and also because everyone will be lined up to buy for less and less knowing they used to be $1.00 and cost average. People actually hate when a $1 shares goes to $5 because they only bought 200 shares and bet on them dropping so they can cost average really cheap. You see the problem and also WHY schemes set up things the way they do. FREE CASH knowing investors don’t want the share price to rise until after the dilution. Crazy Huh?

GNGR was never a high priced stock to begin with so even at a low price it is not far off from where they used to trade at and with a SUPER low float and no debt they cant be debt diluted and now they cant be shorted and also stops retailers from buying while they make their net move. Seems now that the GRAYS are the place to find legitimacy not the OTC! A nice turn of events I might add.

Do the big boys also own the toxic convertible debt while they are also doing the massive shorts? Where do you see the amount of toxic convertible debt listed and also the fine print that is important to see and understand? You say that actual short positions are usually invisible. How do you know that what the big boys are doing is actually going on? Do you ever purchase or offer toxic convertible debt yourself or with your group?

I don’t do toxic debt, that is just so wrong on so many levels. The rule says if someone pays part of a company’s debt, the restricted shares issued by the company to those debt payers can be changed to free trading when the debt is paid. The debt payers pay a third party company that is owed money from the ticker. A third party company is usually an affiliate with no ties to the debt payers or the company. In some cases, they pay the debt after they sell the shares.

That is why you often see a ticker say they are buying a company or an affiliation so they can claim they owe them money (consulting or just because they have debt on their books or the company owes them for the affiliation) that starts the debt dilution process but the debt payers do not have any link to the third party debt holders even though they are usually related or a partner in secrecy.

When the pump is in full swing the data is usually posted late on the company data so they hide the added diluted shares that will soon show up in a few months. That’s when investors say Crook scammer adding shares and those same complainers are the first to rush to buy more cost averages shares cheap.

No one ever wants to say they bought 300 shares for $1.50 and then they tank to $.001 and they only keep the 300 they have knowing the shares will never go back to $1.50 so to limit the self embarrassment, they cost average down to $.15 and say WHO ME! I never paid $1.50 I only paid $.15 so if they go to $.16 I make money. Yeah Sure!

It’s not a guess; its how the data shows what will happen with the same accuracy as knowing if you threw a baseball up in the air high it will come right back down just like OTC stocks.

A company selling 100,000 shares (maybe) at $1+ will never make much money So they short more then 100,000 and soon let the shares drop to an affordable $.20 and dump 300,000,000 short. Then they cover with debt share and also make a killing selling short knowing cheap debt shares will soon follow to cover the open position as the float goes from 100,000,000 to 5 billion or more.

I repeat. EVERYONE MAKES MONEY except retailers. It’s their money and YOU can’ t have ANY OF IT! Not one PENNY!

The longs must be stupid naive inexperienced investors who have been deluded by a pumped dream of a huge AI success story that has no chance of materializing. Will these stupid investors ever gain a clue about what is really going on?

They are clueless and not longs, like I said, longs don’t dump huge sums of money into these schemes, its more like the low level retailers who just want some just in case it takes off and also knowing they can cost average. You will never see $10,000,000 in trades on a given day on a $1 stock to only 50 trades on a scheme ticker.

If you watch Amazon real time trades every other trade is one share or 3 shares or 2 shares, Not high finance by any means, they just want to tell people at the local bar “I OWN AMAZON STOCK”!

Higher priced questionable tickers will always have many trades at low volume averages for a few hundred bucks, than you know it’s the LOTTO retailers even on a high priced scheme that must debt dilute to make any real money because they are not going to make money on the plans that got investors to open their checkbooks.

Retailers will always buy some of all OTC schemes and never stop! It’s like playing the same lotto numbers each week, you dare not miss one week because what if that is the week your numbers were picked. Same as not buying into any specific scheme what if that is the one that EXPLODES?

Most never win lotto but have a slight chance while with a debt-diluted scheme you have no chance.