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Re: None

Friday, 03/24/2023 1:54:21 AM

Friday, March 24, 2023 1:54:21 AM

Post# of 138022
We go through change in times at OTTV and I have come to see the knowledge that it's best to stay current with what is going on and not the old stuff.

Currently the only discussion should be that great news is coming and that's pretty much it to stay up to date.

Part of the problem here for a long time has been to discuss old stuff. For instance, in 2018 Johnny kept Tweeting about the Chef that was preparing something good for us and we would be delighted and that is specifically what talks should have been around. Well, even myself talked about old stuff and that's probably what messed everything up because I wanted to think about Ron Howard/Opie and Pinnochio/Johnny comparison fantasies instead. I have NOT ONCE compared Vivalivetv to YouTube TV.

Johnny said in his court defense in Florida that he was not immune from the pandemic and that slow down is over so if Johnny Tweets again about Comcast or files an 8k we can talk about that.

Now, isn't everyone excited about great news coming to a stock somewhere!