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Alias Born 12/26/2016

Re: None

Thursday, 03/23/2023 7:24:47 PM

Thursday, March 23, 2023 7:24:47 PM

Post# of 46239
The pump is on!
At a small fraction of a penny, the pumpers are gleefully pumping this scam.
The reality is that the products and orders are all fantasies and the only thing that we know for sure are that there are multiple serous lawsuits against Stuart Burchill and INTK and that the long-standing IRS and State of Florida tax liens remain, with penalties and interest accruing.
The fact that the only "financials" provided are those provided by Stuart himself speaks directly to the fact that the INTK is just another scam and only the most gullible individuals believe in any of the fantasies.
Also, if any of the products were real, they would provide independent testing results